Saturday, September 5, 2009

wow...i suck at this

Ok, so I know I procrastinate with everything... but geez - it's been too long since I've vented on here!!! LOL

Ok, so school has started - Brianna's in 6th, Robert's in 4th. Both are doing well so far... no discipline issues or anything. Graded papers brought home have been good :) Brianna is participating in the Pep Squad for the Jr. High, so that will be exciting :) They cheer along with the cheerleaders, but they sit in the stands. She said there are about 40 girls in the Pep Squad, so it should be interesting! I'm excited for her though... if she likes it, then more power to her!

Robert is playing football this year... had his first game this morning. They Won!! 48-14!! He got to play some in the 4th quarter, so I know he was super excited. And he did pretty good! He was also on the kick off group, or whatever they call those ones! LOL - but the team did pretty good too, so we're very proud. Brianna is cheering for his team - separate from the school functions though. This is a Leon County thing. We're the Bears :) Robert is on the junior team. Since I'm working w/ 5th grade this year, a few of the boys that are in my classes play for the senior team too. I didn't get to stay and watch them play this game, but hopefully I'll get to watch at least one of their games.

5th grade is fun so far.... the kids are pretty awesome for the most part. Of course, as with any grade, there are a few turds, but I love them all. I've had a few challenging days, but for the most part, it's neat. I have to laugh though - sometimes the 5th graders act like kindergarteners!!! LOL - but that's what makes it fun I guess. We were in tutorials the other day, and a few of the boys were looking at my teddy bear tattoo on my ankle, and asking me why I got it and all that stuff. When I told them it was in memory of my son Drew, a couple of them actually remembered Drew! I was super surprised... they even remembered his red hair :) but mostly that he was the little one in the wheelchair. It took me by surprise that they remembered - they were in 3rd grade when he passed away. But, I guess God surprises us every day with the little things... so it's all good. I actually think it's neat that they remember him, so that when I talk about him, or if I'm thinking about him it may be easier for them to understand.

Our youth group is rockin'!! I dont' remember the last time I posted, but we went to Discovery Camp over the summer, and our kids came back w/ different attitudes! We had our first "practice" on Wednesday night for our youth band - Jonathan's playing guitar and singing, Lane's playing drums, Summer's playing the bongos (teeheehee long story on that one) and then Michael and I are singing too. Scooter, Jacob, and the rest of whoever wants to will also be "backup" singers. I am soooo excited about it! We're going to practice again this Sunday after the morning service. Hopefully we'll get good enough at a few songs that maybe we can do the praise and worship music for an evening service.... God's in control! We're also going to start working on skits - so that maybe we can do our own youth rally sometime in the near future. Next weekend, the Christian Wrestling Federation will be coming to Dew!! It's gonna be so much fun! I can't wait for it, but I'm hoping at some point in time we'll be able to do a rally of our own, where we provide the music, and skits, and that kind of thing. We're gonna start doing some heavy fund raising, so hopefully we'll start putting this into action! Fired Up Youth Ministries is about to start growing, and I can't wait!

Well, I guess that's all I have to say for the moment. Give me a little while, and I'm sure I'll change my mind!! LOL

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