Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Well, it's Wednesday night, almost 11, and of course, sleep is hiding its restful face from me.

This past weekend, we had our Camp Meeting at the church. Kinda like a revival thing. It was awesome! Had some really great messages from the pastors who spoke. I remember last years' Camp Meeting was a turning point in my life - it really opened my eyes and let me see how I needed to live my life. Not that I hadn't been serving God before then, but He was not a priority for me. Now He is, and I still have a hard time comprehending all of the blessings in my life that I've received.

Next week John and I are taking the teens to Discovery Camp. I am super excited about it! I know it's gonna be exhausting, but I also know it will be worth every minute. I'm looking forward to learning even more about our awesome God. We will have adult classes while the kids are doing their thing, and then I think we all come together for meals and for praise and worship in the evenings. I'm not too sure though - I've never been :) It will be an experience though... and I can't wait! And then, the week after we get back, Brianna and Robert will be going with the kids group at the church. Then, August 10-12 we have Vacation Bible School - I don't think we are ever going to stop! School starts for me in about a month!!!

We're getting settled in the new house - slowly but surely. Today I shampooed carpets at the rent house. I'm pretty pooped, but glad it's done. Now, we just have to get the rest of the stuff - which there isn't much - and clean the kitchen up and we'll be completely moved out. We have until Saturday to do it, so I'm sure we'll get it done. I'm taking the kids to the dentist tomorrow to get teeth cleaned (me too - though I'm not looking forward to it at all)...hopefully they won't have too many cavities! Friday, I think we're going to take them to Palestine - the Chamber of Commerce is putting on a play of Beauty and the Beast. I think they'd enjoy it, and the tickets are very affordable. So, it will probably be a late night, but it will be worth it if the kids have fun. Saturday, we've asked/invited the youth to come over so that we can get the van cleaned out. It will be interesting to see who actually shows up - but I'm sure it'll be fun! I'm also hoping that Mom and Stan will come up to see the house. I know they have a lot on their plates, but I really hope they do. I miss my mama. I was really hoping to spend some good time with her this summer, but so far it hasn't happened. Maybe I'll get to go while the kids are at camp... I didn't think about that. I'll have to talk to her and see if I can come spend a couple days with her. Besides - they have a pool! I wanna swim!! But, we shall see!

Well, I guess I better get off this computer and go to bed. Or at least try... I have a lot to do tomorrow. Hopefully my foot will feel better tomorrow - I think I over did it just a little with shampooing the carpets today. Ugh.

Iz going to bed!

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