Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ok, so maybe I'll get a little better at this blog thing! So much has happened since my last entry in April! LOL - guess I'll have to catch up again :)

First and foremost, John and I are expecting!! LOL - identical twin girls :) At the moment, I am 19 weeks (almost 5 months) along, and the babies are doing great! I am seeing two doctors - one in College Station, and one in Houston. The one in CS is Dr. Smith - and he is kind of my "primary" doctor. We want to deliver the girls in CS at The Med, and as long as no complications arise and they aren't too early, that's the plan. The doctor in Houston, Dr. Carpenter, I originally went to see because of the blood disorder that I have (rh sensitization/rh disease). I think I was about 9 weeks along when I first saw him, and that's when we discovered twins! Since the girls are identical, I see one of the docs every two weeks for ultrasounds to make sure that the babies are growing at the same rate. The doctors are very happy with the progress we're making - and best of all, I've gained less than 10 pounds so far! I know when I was pregnant with Drew I had probably already gained twice that by now! LOL - hopefully I can keep up the minimal weight gain - God knows my belly is already "out there"! But all in all, I know that these sweet babies are in the Lords' Hands, and that all is well. The docs would like for me to make it to 36 weeks, which is the first week of February or so. My due date is March 4th, but twins are always early. We are praying for that 36 week mark, or at least as close as we can be to it!

Brianna and Robert are doing well. Brianna recently celebrated her 13th birthday. She's in 7th grade, playing volleyball and plans on playing basketball and running track. Robert's in the 5th grade, playing football, and might do the basketball thing this year - we'll see. They are both excited about the twins - although Robert really wanted them to be boys LOL!

John and I are both just trying to get ready for the babies to get here. I have to get the craft room packed up and cleaned out to make room for the girls. Once that's done, we'll put up a wall to make their own room. Lots of stuff to do, and such little time to do it! I know that the next few months will fly by quickly. I started the school year at the Elementary School as the "technology aide" which translates to the computer teacher :) I get to see all of the students from Pre-K up to 3rd grade :) But, the farther along I get, the harder it is for me to do my job the way it needs to be done. So, I've put in my notice of resignation. My last day will be October 29th. I'm sad to leave - working at the school has been such a blessing, and a job like none other I've ever had! But, I've got to think about what is best for me and the babies, and thankfully, the school understands that.

Well, I think that just about sums up all the important stuff :)