Monday, June 29, 2009

here we are.

Well, here we go. I'm starting another blog. Myspace is great, but I'm ready for a change.

I'm sitting here waiting for my cough medicine to kick in. Can't very well go to sleep if you're coughing your head off. And waking the husband up. So, here I am.

Been thinking a lot about my son tonight. Drew would be hating this heat. He'd also be hating the ceiling fans in each of the rooms in our new home. He would stay freaked out! But he would also love the dog and the cats. He would be so happy to see Robert and Brianna play ball. He'd be even happier to just sit in front of the big screen TV and watch the Incredibles!

Ok, so if you're reading this and you don't know me very well, Drew was my son. My only child - and he went to be with Jesus in March of 2008. It sucks yes. But I know he is happy there. Here on Earth, he had disabilities. In Heaven, there are none! Praise God - there are NONE!

So this blog is for numerous things. For venting when I am mad at the world. For writing when there is nothing else to do. Therapy for when I miss my son. Comfort for when I want to scream out loud, and throw things, but the logical person in my heart won't let me. But it's also for the awesome things that God has done in my life, and for those things to come. He has carried me so far, and I know that I am in his grip. He will not leave me, nor will He ever turn His back on me.

Well, I can hardly hold my eyes open to type now, so I guess the meds kicked in :) YAY. G'nite to all.
